Here's Mojo!

Autumn 2021 Update

Greetings from us all at Minor Key Pottery.   

Here in South East England, there's a sense of cautious optimism in the air as we tumble into Autumn, no longer 'locked down' but operating under a 'new normal'.

We lost our beloved Irish Setter, Spider earlier this year.  He was nearly 14 and had age related illnesses that were no longer responding to treatment.  We were so fortunate to have been able to have a wonderful Vet come to the house and he fell asleep peacefully, surrounded by the gang that he had shaped into balanced and happy members of our family.  He filled our lives with so much joy and we miss him every day. 

One of that gang is Mojo (aka Mr Mojollica), who is the newest member of our adopted crew.   Mojo is a Working English Setter and was rescued by our wonderful friend and founder of Rufus Setter Rescue, Sasa Gabor.  He brings our tally of Eastern Europeans to 4 (2 Serbians and 2 Croatians).  His enthusiasm and 'joie de vivre' are both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. Luckily, Dotbags has the situation well under control, matching his energy and raising it tenfold. 


Bowie and Mel, our older gentlemen, let the kids get on with their nonsense, and spend most of their day draped across any available soft furnishing snoring ferociously and dreaming, no doubt, of the fresh green tripe that awaits them at dinnertime.  You can follow the adventures of Bowie, Dota, Mel and Mojo on Bowie's instagram page @bowieinburham

Gary has been busy answering enquiries for lyric bowl commissions.  It's that time of the year when people are wondering what they can gift loved ones and these truly unique bowls are incredibly popular and we are so grateful for your continued support. 

We have lots of interest too in our dog treat bowls.  We sell these to raise funds to help support Sasa and as a thank you, as long as stocks last, we will be adding a sample gift of Bowie's 'Street Feet' soothing paw balm that Cathy makes for our gang so get your order in now!!!  

Finally, we can't think of anyone that hasn't been affected in some way by the pandemic and on top of this, there have been some devastating events unfolding across the world lately.  We send our love and best wishes to any of you that may have suffered heartbreak, challenges or have been adversely affected in any way.  

Until next time ......

Gary and the Minor Key Pottery Team








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